Aston, or Pipe-Aston (St. Giles)
ASTON, or Pipe-Aston (St. Giles), a parish, in the union of Ludlow, hundred of Wigmore, county of Hereford, 4 miles (S. W. by W.) from Ludlow; containing 52 inhabitants, and comprising 733 acres. The surface is undulated and well-wooded; the soil is of an inferior quality. The parish runs up to the High Vinealls, and to the boundary of Richard's-Castle parish; from the height is a complete panoramic view, including the Brecon, Radnor, Cardigan, and Montgomery hills. The road from Ludlow to Wigmore and Presteign passes through. The living is a discharged rectory, valued in the king's books at £2. 13. 4.; net income, £84; patron, Sir Wm. E. Rouse Boughton, Bart. The church, an ancient structure, was restored and repewed, and an eastern window added, in 1844: the arch over the entrance door has a curious stone engraving, representing the Lamb bearing the Cross. Near the road, opposite a farmhouse, is a tumulus.
Transcribed from A Topographical Dictionary of England, by Samuel Lewis, seventh edition, published 1858.