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CAMMERTON, a parish, in the union of Cockermouth, Allerdale ward below Derwent, W. division of Cumberland; containing 941 inhabitants, of whom 154 are in the township of Cammerton, 2 miles (E. N. E.) from Workington. The parish comprises 3384a. 2r. 20p., and is bounded on the north by the Solway Firth, and on the south by the river Derwent, whence passes a canal to the Seaton iron-works; there are some mines of coal within its limits. The living is a perpetual curacy; net income, £100; patrons and appropriators, the Dean and Chapter of Carlisle, whose tithes have been commuted for £327. 1. 6., and who have 18 acres of glebe. The church, rebuilt in 1794, contains an effigy in full length, the feet resting on a lamb, of a person called "Black Tom of the North," whose seat here, according to tradition, was Barrow Castle, now in ruins.

Transcribed from A Topographical Dictionary of England, by Samuel Lewis, seventh edition, published 1858.

