Bratton-Fleming (St. Peter)
BRATTON-FLEMING (St. Peter), a parish, in the union of Barnstaple, hundred of Braunton, Braunton and N. divisions of Devon, 7 miles (N. E. by E.) from Barnstaple; containing 708 inhabitants. It comprises 4881 acres, and is bounded by valleys remarkable for their romantic beauty; there are quarries of slate for paving. In 1838 an act was passed for inclosing waste lands, when about three acres were appropriated for recreation. The living is a rectory, valued in the king's books at £29. 15. 5., and in the gift of Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge: the tithes have been commuted for £435, and there is an excellent glebe, with a house in the Elizabethan style. The church, which was rebuilt about 150 years ago, is of very plain architecture, with the exception of two east windows of the perpendicular style, the only part of the original edifice remaining. There is a fellowship in Caius College, founded by the Rev. Mr. Wortley (formerly incumbent) and appropriated to the natives of the parish, if such can be found. On Bratton Down are numerous barrows; and at Nightacott, in the neighbourhood, are six upright stones, the supposed remains of a Druidical circle.
Transcribed from A Topographical Dictionary of England, by Samuel Lewis, seventh edition, published 1858.