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WORDSLEY, a hamlet, in the parish of King's-Swinford, union of Stourbridge, N. division of the hundred of Seisdon, S. division of the county of Stafford, 2 miles (N.) from Stourbridge; containing 3642 inhabitants. This is a large village, situated on the road from Stourbridge to Wolverhampton; the soil around it is of a sandy quality, and the surface is undulated. Glass-works have been established here for some centuries; there is also an iron-foundry, and coal-mines are wrought within a quarter of a mile. The river Stour passes close to the village, and the Dudley and Stourbridge canal runs through it. Petty-sessions are held every Monday. The church at Swinford being too small for the wants of this populous district, a handsome edifice was erected here in 1831, which is now considered as the parish church. There is a place of worship for Methodists; also a national school built in 1836, and an infants' school in 1843.

Transcribed from A Topographical Dictionary of England, by Samuel Lewis, seventh edition, published 1858.

