WINDSOR, a suburb of the town of Liverpool, in the extra-parochial district of Toxteth-Park, union and hundred of West Derby, S. division of Lancashire, 1½ mile (S. E. by E.) from the Exchange, Liverpool. It consists principally of terraces and other handsome ranges of houses, the residence of merchants and gentry; the ground is elevated, the air very salubrious, and fine views are obtained of the Cheshire hills and Welsh mountains. Here are a large foundry and a brewery. St. Clement's church, Windsor, erected in 1841 at a cost of £3400, is a neat stone structure in the early English style, with a low spire: the district annexed to it, contains a population of 5000; and the living is a perpetual curacy, in the gift of Trustees. Near the church are some excellent schools.
Transcribed from A Topographical Dictionary of England, by Samuel Lewis, seventh edition, published 1858.