The district was separated from the parish of Woodhorn, and invested with distinct parochial rights, in 1768. It chiefly belongs to Lord Vernon, and comprises 4902a. 1r. 30p., mostly tithe-free, and of which a fifth is pasture land. The soil is a strong clay, producing fine crops of wheat and beans, and the surface is generally level, with a gentle elevation towards the village, which commands extensive views in every direction, and the vicinity of which formerly abounded in wood: on the cast is the sea. A small colliery is in operation, and there is a quarry of freestone. The living is a perpetual curacy, in the gift of Lord Vernon, with a net income of £67; the impropriation belongs to the Mercers' Company, and the incumbent of Hampstead, London. The chapel had parochial limits so early as 1307, and was originally dedicated to St. Edmund; at the Dissolution it was called Holy Trinity chapel, from which period it continued dependent on Woodhorn. The edifice was repaired by Sir George Warren, in 1768, and comprises a nave, chancel, and south aisle; the chancel has an oratory or chantry porch projecting from it on the south, lighted by two windows. There is a place of worship for Presbyterians. In 1843, a skeleton with the teeth perfect, and an urn, were found in ploughing a field.
Transcribed from A Topographical Dictionary of England, by Samuel Lewis, seventh edition, published 1858.