Stephens, St.
STEPHENS, ST., in Brannel, a parish, in the union of St. Austell, E. division of the hundred of Powder and of the county of Cornwall, 4½ miles (W. by N.) from St. Austell; containing 2643 inhabitants. This parish, which takes its name from the dedication of its church, is situated in a district abounding with mineral treasure; moorstone of excellent quality for building is found, and a fine white clay is procured in great quantities for the Potteries. The living is a rectory, annexed, with the rectory of St. Dennis, to that of St. Michael Caerhays: the tithes have been commuted for £780. The church is an ancient structure, principally in the Norman style, with some later details, and a square detached tower. There is a place of worship for Independents. In 1711, Ellen Mabbott bequeathed a rent-charge of £35. 10. for poor widows; and in 1726, James Buller endowed four almshouses. Here are vestiges of a circular intrenchment comprising an area of about one acre, surrounded with a fosse.
Transcribed from A Topographical Dictionary of England, by Samuel Lewis, seventh edition, published 1858.