East Fleet
EAST FLEET, a small village, 3 miles S.W. from Weymouth. In November, 1824, a dreadful storm destroyed most of the Church and great part of this village; since this period a new and elegant Church and tower has been built by the Rev. G. Gould, the late vicar. This edifice is in the Gothic style: the east window contains a beautiful painting on glass, "the Recovery of the Widow's Son at Nain." The parish comprises about 1100 acres, and had in 1841, 165 inhabitants.
Pretor Samuel, esq. Fleet house
Free School, Randell Elizabeth mistress
Loveless Stephen, grocer &c.
Marsh Jasper, farmer
Tucker Wm. farmer, West Fleet
Transcribed from Hunt & Co.'s Directory of Dorsetshire, Hampshire, & Wiltshire 1851