Weston-super-Mare is a maritime watering place in the county of Somerset, seated on the margin of a spacious bay, near the Bristol channel, and backed by an elevation called Weston or Worlebury hill, which completely protects it from the north and the north-east winds. It is distant 142 miles W. by S. from London, 22 S.W. from Bristol, a similar distance N.W. from Wells, 10 N.W. from Axbridge, and about 1 mile from the Bristol and Exeter railway, to which it is connected by a branch. The population of Weston, with its hamlets of Ashcombe and Milton, amounted in 1801 to only 108; but in 1841 it had increased to 2,036, and at the present period its number must far exceed even that calculation. Forty years ago this was an obscure, isolated, and insignificant village, consisting of only 24 huts, which were irregularly scattered about the shore, and inhabited by poor fishermen: but what a change has been effected, and what a contrast now presents itself, through the energy and enterprise of persevering speculators and spirited capitalists. Weston, now a favourite and well frequented watering place, the fixed abode of many affluent families, a summer resort of almost numberless fashionable visitors, and the winter residence of scores of invalids and others in search of health, for whose accommodation a variety of houses have been erected on charming sites; its hill sides are studded with temples of health and mansions of the rich; and its ocean-bounded valley is thickly covered with handsome habitations, in rows and detached, consisting partly of shops, but chiefly lodging houses close to the sea; so that those valetudinarians who are confined to their rooms, enjoy all the advantages to be derived from the balmly influence of the marine breeze; whilst others, whose strenght will permit, can at once walk on the fine firm sands of Westons extensive beach. Such has been the prosperity of this modern town, that it now contains nearly 400 houses, and, moreover, it is continually being improved in appearance, and increased in size; nor can we wonder at its present proud position, when we consider the peculiarity of its site, the mildness of its atmosphere, the superiority of its sea bathing, the flatness and extent of its sandy shore, the beauty and variety of its walks and rides, the abundance and excellency of its provisions, the numerous and genteel society now formed in the town, the advantages it possesses of a pure gospel ministry both in and out of the Establishment, and which, together with a constant supply of rational and refined amusements, have rendered Weston well worthy of its prosperous progress, and one of the most healthy and agreeable towns in the West of England. The government of the town is vested in 18 commissioners, elected by the ratepayers of the parish, pursuant to a local act, entitled the Weston-super-Mare Improvement and Market Act, and by which Weston is priviliged to hold a market daily, when butchers meat, poultry, fish, fruit, and vegetables, are exhibited for sale.
The places of worship are two churches and three chapels, two of the latter belonging to the Wesleyans, and one the the Independents. The parish church is a large handsome edifice situated on the acclivity of the hill towards Worlebury, and the other, a district church, is a fine new building erected in 1847. One of the Wesleyan chapels has been built, within the last seven years, as have also the town hall and a national school, and a neat chapel is now being erected for the Baptists.
POST-OFFICE, Weston-super-Mare, Post-Mistress, Mary Gibbons. Letters are delivered daily at 8 a.m. Money orders are granted and paid from 10 to 6, except during the time of making up the bags. Despatches to London and all parts at 4 p.m. Box closes at 3 30 p.m.; but letters may be posted for each mail by affixing an additional penny postage stamp, until the making up of the bags. Bridgewater and the West, 7 50 a.m.; box closes at 7 a.m.; Wells, 3 40 p.m.; box closes 3 30 p.m.
Post Office , Uphill, at John Delays. London and all parts, via Weston-super-Mare, at 2 30 p.m.
Post Office, Worle, at Susan Watts. London and all parts, via Weston-super-Mare, at 2 30 p.m.
Gentry Clergy, &c.
Aldridge Misses, Saville villa
Barter Rev. John, St. Jamess st
Bateman Colthurst, 2 Victoria pl
Bevan James, Chestnut villa
Blackwell Mrs. Eliz. 11, Oriel ter
Bowen Capt., 1, Oriel terrace
Brickwood Rev. Richard, Worle
Buller Miss Jane, 7, Park place
Burges Daniel, 4, Victoria place
Capell James P. Ashcombe house
Carrow Mrs. 1, Victoria place
Cooper Miss Mary, 2, Regent pl.
Davis Horatio, 13, Park place
De Bruyn Mrs. Church Hill cott.
Evans Miss Ann, 8, Park place
Faldwasser Misses, 3, Oriel ter
Fisher Rev. John (rector), Uphill
Fitzgerald Mrs. Emily, 12, Park pl
Follett Thomas, Uphill
Forsayth Thomas, 12, Oriel ter.
Gilpin Misses, Steep Holm house
Granger Misses, 4, Oriel terrace
Gregg Mrs. Ann, 6, Park place
Hancock Cornelius High street
Harrill Thomas, Uphill
Harvard Rev. G.C. St. James st
Hicks Chas. W. Trafalgar house
Hopkins Rev. J. Meadow cottage
Hunt Rev. William, 16, Park pl
Knyfton Thos. T. Uphill lodge
Law Rev. Archdeacon, Rectory
Mackenzie Captain George, r.n., Oxford street
Newenham Cath., Coombe bank
Oliver Mrs. M. and E. Seaview pl.
Paget Mrs. Char. D. 8, Park pl.
Palairet John, Locking road
Parsley Hor. F. Whitecross house
Peyton Mrs. C. 2, Oriel terrace
Philips Benj. G. West cottage
Pigott John Hugh Smith, Grove
Quarrell Rev. R. Wellington villa
Reeves John, High street
Roberts Thomas, 3, South terrace
Roberts Wm. H. Osborne house
Rooke Sophia, Villa Rosa
Rowley Rev. W.W. Coombe cott.
Scotford Wm. Worle
Smith Major T. Belvedere beach
Sperrin John, 5, Park villas
Synge Francis H. Weston lodge
Watson Lieut. St. James st.
Williams Elizabeth, 4, Park villas
Wodehouse Rev. N. (vicar), Worle
Young Rev. William, Oxford house
Auctioneers & Appraisers.
Gill Thomas, St. James street
Maunder J. & Son, Ashcombe rd
Pittman Thomas, Richmond villa
Barnard Thomas, High street
Beall George, High street
Buckle Joseph, Regent street
Colston George, Richmond street
Cooper Frederick, High street
Cox Isaac, Gas street
Derrick Job, St. James street
Gale Robert, High street
Rodway Eusephius J. High st
Terry John, Oxford street
Stuckeys Banking Co., Seaview place;
manager , Gordon Jas.,, draw on Robarts & Co. London
Basket Makers.
Palmer Samuel, High street
Watts Walter, High street
Albion, Taylor Maurice, Regent st
Knightstone, Fox Charles J.
Beer Retailers.
Allen John, 5, Sackville place
Cook Samuel, Worle
Coome John, Gas street
Cottell George, Gas street
Cox John S. Gas street
Fisher William, Carlton street
Gane Edmund, St. James street
Harse George, Gas street
Hurst William, High street
King Silvester, Regent street
King Stephen, St. James street
Lancaster Samuel, Worle
Martill Frederick, Anchor head
Norvill James, Ashcombe road
Parnell George, High street
Scott Robert, High street
Stone Augustus, Oxford street
Williams Walter, Carlton street
Berlin Repositories.
Sharland and Bedford, High street
Shrowl Eliza, Market Gate
Cook John, Gas street
Parker Henry, Regent street
Podger John, Meadow lane
Pond H. (whitesmith), High st
Shaddick Samuel, Charlton street
Booksellers and Stationers.
Brown Alexander, Regent street
Whereat Joseph, Regent street
Williams Eliza, High street
Boot & Shoe Makers.
Collins James, High street
Coombs Christopher, Meadow lane
Coombs Edwin, Worle
Cooper Richard, High street
Curry John, Worle
Evans William, St. James street
Lancaster John, High street
Major Wm. Gas street
Muggelworth John, High street
Mutter Joshua, Gas street
Palmer James, St. James street
Palmer Simon, Regent street
Pavey Edward, St. James street
Porter James, St. James street
Williams Henry, St. James street
Winter John, Worthy place
Locock Thomas, Regent street
May Edm. & Castle Thos. Worle
Printer Albert, High street
Brick and Tile Makers.
Phillips Charles, Locking road
Serle Samuel, Locking road
Coome John, (pork) High street
Cox Ferdinand, West row
Darch Charles, St. James street
Harse John, Worle
Laney Isaac, Locking
Lawrence Henry, High street
Lawrence Thomas, Worle
Merrett John, St. James street
Podger Josiah, York street
Smart William, High street
Cabinet Makers.
Day Henry, Oxford street
Ellery James, High street
Gregory Charles, High street
Palmer William, Regent place
Sturge Thomas, St. James street
Carpenters and Builders.
Brice Benjamin, Oxford street
Clarke Samuel, Beach
Gregory Edward, Oxford street
Hawker J. 1, Victoria place
Hunt William, Uphill
James Joseph, 6, Victoria place
Locock John, Meadow lane
Locock Thomas, Laura cottage
Morgan Samuel, York street
Palmer J. Gas street
Perry William, Oxford street
Price Henry, Wellington terrace
Wilcox Thomas, Regent street
Wilcox William, 16, Oriel terrace
Chemists and Druggists.
Gordon and Mason, Seaview pl.
Griffiths Charles, High street
Hallam Samuel, Regent street
Coal Merchants and Dealers.
Burge Joseph, Wellington place
Coles William, St. James street
Cornish Charles, Carlton street
Grove John, Regent street
Stone George, Richmond street
Taylor Henry, Regent street
Gill George, High street
Harvey John, Richmond street
Poole Francis, 5, Regent place
Serle Samuel, South parade
Eating House Keepers.
Darch Charles, St. James street
Hardwell James, St. James street
Weeks John, Regent street
Fire & Life Assurance Agents.
Atlas ( F.), Edgar Joseph, Swiss cottage
Birmingham (F.), Sturge Jos., St. James street
Clerical, Medical, and General (L.), Elton J.W. Carlton st
Globe (F. & L.), Davies H., Marine villa
Medical, Invalid, & General (L), Brown Alexander, Regent street
Medical, Legal, & General (L), Cooper W.H. Oxford street
Palladium (L.), Griffiths Charles, High street
Sun ( F. & L.), Whereat J. Regent street
Fly & Post Horse Proprietors.
Glossop Joseph, Glossop cottage
Hurst William, High street
King Silvester, Regent street
Serjeant R. Hill, St. James street
Scott Robert, High street
White James, York street
Williams Walter, Carlton street
Greengrocers & Fruiterers.
Affleck George, High street
Gold Mary, St. James street
Jones William, Oxford street
Grocers and Tea-Dealers.
Marked thus * are Drapers also.
Biddlecombe Ann & E. High st
*Billinge Thos. H. High street
Cooper Wm. H. Oxford street
Corfield Frederick, Regent street
*Day Ann, High street
*Jones Jane & Poole Jane, High st.
Rich Eliza Jane, Worle
*Lee George, Worle
Sheppard and Gould, Regent st.
Grocery and SundriesDealers in.
Fear Ann, Carlton street
Fisher Edward, Oxford street
Fisher William, Carlton street
Fussell Walter F. Oxford street
Gane Robert, Oxford street
Gould Sarah, Worle
Hallam Samuel, Gas street
Rickards Harriet, Oxford street
Walford Wm. Richmond street
Willson Sarah, Wadham street
Hair Cutters.
Crouch Lawrence, Regent street
Finigan Richard, High street
Lewis George, High street
Paine Frederick, High street
Serle Samuel, South parade
Inns and Hotels.
Bath Hotel, South parade, Wookey Martha
Reeves Hotel, Esplanade, Rogers Thomas
Inns and Public Houses.
Plough, High street, Langdon H.
Railway Inn, Regent st. Weeks J.
Globe, St. James street, Phillips Chas.
New Inn, Worle, Biggs William
London Inn, High st. Serle Chas.
Strand Inn, Uphill road, Thatcher Edward
Victoria Inn, Regent st. Locock T.
Chesterman & Maisey, Regent st
Sturge Joseph, St. James street
Linen Drapers
See also Grocers and Drapers.
Kirkbride John, Regent street
Rickard Loveday and Catharine, St. James street
Serjeant and Waller, Regent st.
Lodging House Keepers.
Barnard Thomas, Esplanade house
Bayntum Mary, Gloster place
Beard Francis, 1, Portland place
Brown Caroline, Esplanade cot.
Browne Silvester, Beach
Burton William, Lansdowne villa
Carter Mary, Oxford street
Chapman Susannah, 1, Stiverd pl.
Chapman Ralph, High street
Corfield Jos. 1 and 2, Elizabethan villas
Coles Jeremiah, 2, Albert bldgs.
Colston G. 2, & 3, Regent place
Cook Thomas, Carlton street
Day James, Oxford street
Dommett John, 4, Stiverd place
Evans George, Adelaide house
Foord Caroline, 8, Albert buildings
Foord Eliza, 9, Albert buildings
Fry Richard, South parade
Gage Ann, Bedford house
Gane Abel, 3, Victoria place
Gane George, Ellenborough house
Gill George, Waterloo house
Gould James, Buckingham house
Gregory Elizabeth, High street
Hamlyn William, 14, Oriel terrace
Hitchcock Thomas, Wellington cottage
Hurst William, 5, Stiverd place
James Elizabeth, 7, Oriel terrace
Kingdom Christoph., 1, Park villas
Long Elizabeth, High street
Marshall Prudence, Portland place
Martill Fred., Claremont lodge
Mitchell Margaret, 3, Princes buildings
Morgan Samuel, 2, Stiverd place
Mullens Eliz. 2 Beachfield villas
Neil, Park lodge
Paine Frederick, 5, South parade
Palmer William, Regent place
Parsons George, Gloucester cott.
Poole Francis, 5, Regent place
Poole Thos. 2, Lansdowne bldgs.
Pritchard G. 5, Princes buildings
Pritchard Mary, 6, Albert bldgs.
Raymond Philip, Oxford street
Sanger Maria, 7, Albert bldgs.
Serjeant R.H. Richmond house
Shrowl James, High Cliff lodge
Stock Jacob, Hillside cottage
Stone Charles, St. James street
Sturge Joseph, Oxford street
Townsend Eliza, High street
Uppington Sarah, High street
Violet Eliza, 3, Stiverd place
Wansbrough Wm. Richmond st.
West Kitty A. 3, Albert bldg.
Westlake Mary, Lichfield cottage
White Job, Regent place
Wilcox William, 10, Oriel terrace
Williams Eliza, High street
Williams Thomas, Cromwell house
Milliners & Dress Makers.
Dyment Sarah, Regent street
Jones Jane, St. James street
Kirkbride Emily, Regent street
Melville Sarah, East street
Panes Frances E. High street
Perry Lucy, Oxford street
Purssey Jemima, St. James street
Serjeant and Waller, Regent st
Shepstone Ann, Regent street
Smart Lavinia, Oxford street
Yeo Eliza, St. James street
Painters, Plumbers, and Glaziers.
Bailey Charles, Worle
Chapman Charles, Worle
Delay John B. St. James street
Gill David, Oxford street
Poole Cornelius, High street
Stabbins Joseph, Worle
Wansbrough William, York street
Williams J.P.& S. St. James st.
Williams William, Wadham street
Plasterers and Tilers.
Thomas Thomas, Church road
Way Benjamin, Gas street
Williams J.P.& S. St. James street
Withers Robert, Gas street
Norton Mary (singing and music), Carlton street
Norton Mrs. Edwin (languages), Regent place
Saddlers and Harness Makers.
Cross Edward, High street
Garrard Charles, St. James street
Light John, Market place
Marked thus * take Boarders.
*Cox Maria A., Regent place
*Elwell Jonathan, Belvidere
*Hopkins Rev. Jos. Meadow cott
*Hooper Louisa, Beach
Infants, Carlton street; mistress, Smith Eliza
*Morgan and Rogers, 1, South ter
National, Knightstone rd. Master, Ashley W.; mistress, Ashley E.
*Norton Frederick, Carlton street
Porter Ann, St. James street
*Rankin Margaret, 1, Albert bldgs
*White Ann, Regent place
*Warton Thomas, 9, Oriel terrace
Burroughs Francis C. Regent pl
Chalmers Chas. B. Portland place
Davies Henry, Marine villa, Beach
Edgar Joseph, Swiss cottage
Elton John Wm. Carlton street
Stay Makers.
Hurle Matilda, St. James street
Lancaster Jane, High street
Stone Masons & Builders.
Bailey Edward, Charlton street
Brice Benjamin
Hancock James, St. James street
Harril Thomas
Locock Thomas, Locking road
Norvill James, Ashcombe road
Taylor Maurice, Regent street
Stock Jacob, Church road
Ballard James, High street
Hardwick John, Worle
Jacob James A., Gloucester place
Jones Wm. 4, Richmond place
Pring J.H. m.d. 3, South parade
Rawlinson Edwrd.E. 5, Oriel terr.
Stringfield Joseph, Veranda house
Straw Hat Makers.
Seagrim Emma, High street
Taylor Ann, St. James street
Williams Martha, St. James street
Surveyors & Land Agents.
White Joseph, Regent place
Bryant William J. High street
Lloyd John, St. James street
Neathway Henry, Oxford street
Norvill George, High street
Norvill William, High street
Stacy Isaac, High street
Symmons James & Son, Oxford st
Tucker Walter, High street
Walford Wm. Richmond street
Wansbrough Wm. 1, High street
Watch and Clock Makers.
Bawden Thomas, Regent street
Rossiter John, High street
China & Glass Dealers, Jones & Poole, High street
Coach Builder, Serle Geo. High st
Corn, Flour, & Salt Merchants, Sheppard & Gould, Regent st.
Fishmonger, Coles Henry, St. James street
Furrier, Serle Mary Ann, High st
Outfitter, Wansbrough Wm. High street
Potter, Phillips Chas. Locking rd
Printer, Dare James, High street
Wine Merchant, Brooks John, 7, Stiverd place
County Court, Office, Carlton street; assistant clerk, John Elton
Gas Works, Gas street; manager, Edmund Allen
Mechanics Institution, High street; secretary, Joseph Sturge
Police Station, Gas street; superintendent, Robert Hill
Bristol, Jones, from the Railway Inn, Tues. Thurs. and Sat.