Keanlochbervie or Kinlochbervie, Sutherland
Historical Description
KEANLOCHBERVIE, or Kinlochbervie, a district, in the parish of Eddrachillis, county of Sutherland; containing 1028 inhabitants, of whom 105 are in the village, 14 miles (N. by E.) from Eddrachillis. This place is situated on the western shore of the county, on the north side of Loch Inchard, and near its mouth: the coast is much indented. In the interior are numerous lakes; and the district, generally, partakes of the mountainous character of the land in this quarter. The Duke of Sutherland is the sole proprietor; and under him the aspect of the country, though still rugged, has been vastly improved within the last few years. Keanlochbervie was separated, for ecclesiastical purposes, from the rest of the parish, some years ago; and as that arrangement was afterwards set aside, it is proposed by the Court of Session to again erect it into a quoad sacra district. It is in the presbytery of Tongue and synod of Sutherland and Caithness, and the patronage is vested in the Crown: the stipend of the minister is £120, paid from the exchequer; and there is a good manse, with a glebe of some acres. The church was erected in 1828-9, at the expense of government; it contains 350 sittings, and is of sufficient height to be enlarged by galleries. The members of the Free Church have also a place of worship. A school was built and endowed in 1845.