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Græmsay Isle, Orkney

Historical Description

GRÆMSAY ISLE, in the parish of Hoy, county of Orkney; containing 214 inhabitants. It is one of the Orkney group, and lies about a mile and a half south from Stromness; in length it is nearly two miles, and in breadth one. The whole of the island is level, and the lands are either cultivated for the production of grain, or suffered to remain in old grass for the pasturage of sheep and cattle. Through almost its entire extent runs a bed of schistus, or slate, used for the covering of houses. The inhabitants excel in fishing. The principal disadvantage under which they labour is the scarcity of fuel. Græmsay was formerly a vicarage, but is now united to Hoy, which see.

Transcribed from A Topographical Dictionary of Scotland, 1851 by Samuel Lewis

