Ferryden, Forfarshire
Historical Description
FERRYDEN, a village, in the parish of Craig, county of Forfar; containing 921 inhabitants. This village is situated on the south bank of the South Esk river, immediately opposite the harbour of Montrose, and is a prosperous place, with a rapidly increasing population, chiefly fishermen and their families. Between twenty and thirty boats are engaged in the white-fishery alone, which here consists principally of cod, haddock, and skate, all of them taken in great quantity; and many salmon are also caught at the mouth of the Esk. The various kinds of fish from this quarter largely supply the Edinburgh and London markets. There is a good harbour, with a safe roadstead; and here, previously to the erection of bridges higher up the river, was a ferry to Montrose. In the village is a school, supported by an endowment bequeathed by a benevolent lady, lately deceased.