Craigo, Forfarshire
Historical Description
CRAIGO, a village, in the parish of LOGIE-PERT, county of FORFAR, 5½ miles (N. N. W.) from Montrose, containing 359 inhabitants. It is pleasantly seated on the south bank of the North Esk river, and has a large manufacturing establishment, comprising a flax-spinning mill, a bleachfield, some cloth-finishing machinery, and an alkali manufacture. About 280 hands are employed in these works, which belong to a London firm. Craigo House, built by the Carnegie family about fifty or sixty years since, stands a mile south of the village, and the grounds around are well planted: on the estate is a good freestone-quarry. The North Esk is crossed in the neighbourhood of the place by substantial bridges, one of which, of three arches, was erected by the celebrated John Erskine of Dun at the time of the Reformation.