Tullaghobigley, Donegal
Historical Description
TULLAGHOBIGLEY, a parish, in the barony of KILMACRENAN, county of DONEGAL, and province of ULSTER, 7 miles (S. W.) from Dunfanagby, on the north-west coast, and on the rivers Gwidore and Clady; containing 8464 inhabitants. For civil purposes it is divided into east and west; the former contains 5202, and the latter 3262, inhabitants. It is said to derive its name from Tully O'Bigley, who founded a monastery here, of which the remains exist. According to the Ordnance survey it comprises 68,608 statute acres, of which 785 are in Tory Island, 92½ in the tideway of the Gwidore, and 1720 in small loughs; 19,811 are applotted under the tithe act. About one-fourth of the entire superficies is arable, and the remainder mountain and bog; agriculture is but little improved. Within the limits of the parish are the district of Cloghanheely and part of that of the Rosses; and the islands of Tory, (about two leagues to the north-east), Innisboffin, Island Dowey, or Innisduck, (comprising about 20 acres of arable and pasture and a quantity of mountain land), Innisbeg, Inisinney, and Innismanan, of which the two first are inhabited, and the rest only during the summer; also Bloody-Foreland-Point, in lat. 55°. 8'., and Ion. 8°. 17'.; and the mountains of Errigal, 2462 feet, Carntreena 1396 feet, and Bloody-Foreland 1035 feet, above the level of the sea. In the Rosses, at a place called Rosapenna, so lately as 1784, the district was well cultivated, planted and improved, particularly around the mansion of Lord Boyne, whose demesne excited general admiration; but now the house, park, garden and even the tallest trees are covered with sand blown in from the Atlantic; even the chimneys are only visible at times, and, added to this, 1400 acres of land lie buried beneath the sand, which is every year increasing. On the townland of Tullaghobigley iron ore has been found in large lumps; and in the Errigal mountain, extensive lead mines, belonging to the Earl of Leitrim, have been successfully worked, but are at present abandoned. Fairs are held at Gortahock on the first Tuesday, at the Cross Roads the last Thursday, and at Derrybeg on the last Monday in every month, but they are only indifferently attended. The gentlemen's seats are Cashel, the residence of R. Johnston, Esq.; and Dunloey, of Capt. Dambrene, where is a fine marble quarry. The living is a rectory and vicarage, in the diocese of Raphoe, and in the patronage of the Bishop: the tithes amount to £220, and the glebe comprises 40 acres, valued at £30 per annum. The roof of the church fell in in 1834, which having left it a ruin, divine service is now performed in the rector's house. In the R. C. arrangements the parish is divided into East and West Tullaghobigley, the former being united to the parish of Raymunterdoney: the chapel at Gortahork, in the eastern, division, is a large slated building, erected about 50 years since; and at Cottern, in the western division, is a chapel, which has been built 87 years. The parochial school, in which are about 50 children, is aided by an annual donation from Col. Robertson's fund: there are also five private schools, in which are about 80 children. At Maghragallan are the ruins of an old church and a burial-ground.
Civil Registration
For general information about Civil Registration (births, marriages and deaths) see the Civil Registration page.
Directories & Gazetteers
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Land and Property
The Return of Owners of Land in 1873 for Donegal is available to browse.