Ballytrain, Monaghan
Historical Description
BALLYTRAIN, a village, in the parish of AUGHNAMULLEN, barony of CREMORNE, county of MONAGHAN, and province of ULSTER, 5 miles (S.) from Ballibay, on the old road to Shercock; containing 44 houses and 220 inhabitants. It is a station of the constabulary police; and fairs, chiefly for pigs, cattle, and sheep, are held on Feb. 1st, March 17th, May 1st, June 11th, Aug. 1st, Sept. 29th, Nov. 1st, and Dec. 23rd. In 1834, a R. C. chapel was built, at an expense of £100. The lake of Ballytrain is an extensive sheet of water supplying several mills, particularly one belonging to R. A. Minnett, Esq. Near the village is Lake View, the residence of the Rev. E. Mayne. In the vicinity are several forts, one of which is of great extent and commands a view of some picturesque scenery, embracing twelve lakes. See AUGHNAMULLEN.
Directories & Gazetteers
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Land and Property
The Return of Owners of Land in 1873 for Monaghan is available to browse.