The Becky, Devon
Historical Description
Becky, The, a streamlet of Devon, rising on the east side of Dartmoor Forest, and running 4 miles north-eastward to the river Wrey, 4¼ miles SE of Moreton-Hampstead. A fall occurs in it, about 3 miles from its source, about 80 feet in descent, down a granite precipice. This makes a grand appearance after heavy rains, and has accompaniments which always look romantic, even when the water shrinks into mere tricklings among the rocks. The valley of the stream is the Houndtor Combe, overhung by the Houndtor Mountain, capped with rocks resembling the colonnade of a ruined temple, and it both contains very striking scenery within itself and looks out on some most interesting views.
Transcribed from The Comprehensive Gazetteer of England & Wales, 1894-5