St. Mary, Gillingham, Dorset
The parish church of St. Mary the Virgin rebuilt, with the exception of the chancel, in 1838, is an edifice of stone in the Decorated and Perpendicular styles, consisting of Decorated chancel with aisles, nave, south porch and a lofty embattled western tower, with pinnacles and containing a clock with chimes, given by the vicar, 1913, and 8 bells, two of which were added in 1894: the tower was restored in 1909: all the windows in the chancel are stained: there is a fine monument, dated 1625, with two recumbent effigies to a former vicar named Jessop, and his brother, a physician who resided in this place; and in the north chancel aisle is a monument to the last co-heiress of the Dirdoe family, dated 1733: the interior of the church was refitted In 1889, and affords about 850 sittings.
Church Records
The parish register of baptisms, marriages and burials begins in 1559. The original register books are now deposited with the Dorset Archives Service, but have been digitised by and made available on their site (subscription required).